Wednesday, 28 November 2012

david drysdale

 Pro golfer called McDonald's worker a 
'stupid chinky' in drunken row

One of Scotland’s top pro golfers called a security guard a "stupid chinky" during a drunken row in McDonald's.

David Drysdale pleaded guilty to assault and racially aggravated breach of the peace at Edinburgh Sheriff Court on Tuesday.
The 37-year-old was with his wife Victoria when they went into McDonald's in Princes Street in the early hours of March 7 last year after a night out in Edinburgh.
The court was told the restaurant was very busy at the time of the incident and customers were having to queue for the one disabled toilet.
Security guard Hin Ho Li refused to let Drysdale upstairs to use closed toilets and an argument broke out. Fiscal depute Malcolm Stewart said when the golfer walked away from Mr Li, he called him "a stupid chinky".

Read the full article :STV Edinburgh


  1. It's a sham China-HK-Singapore-Taiwan-other places with Chinese communities' media aren't on the ball... at a time when Scotland's exports to China are up - Scottish whisky being the notable one - targeted campaigns that advertise the "friendliness" of the scots (wasn't the chav who killed Simon San also scottish?) would do wonders in hurting them where it hurts.

  2. Is there a Chinese version of the Daily Fail where it just full of negative articles about the western like how that crap newspaper always have some negative articles on China/Chinese! >.< Any Chinese person who buys the Daily Fail or anything owned by its parent company 'Associated Newspapers Ltd' should be ashamped of themselves!!!

  3. To the person who left this link

    Yes pretty sick. Basically a 56yr old Korean man was pushed onto the railway track by a black male ( mental problems) who is now under arrest, but the worst was the photographer who managed to take a photo of the incident

    But couldnt help the person from being killed! Thats how sickly East asian people are treated. We are entertainment for western people. In the same way, as we are drenched by western media, BBCs are taught the same way.

    Solution for us in the UK, Create genuine bonds not superficial ones.If we know another BBC needs genuine help, then reach out and offer help, not dismiss, as we have known to have done...

    1. And to add insult to injury, if you revisit the link, you'll find the guy who took the photo sold licensing rights so papers could publish it. That's right; a south asian profiting from the death on an oriental, pushed onto the tracks by a black and made for popcorn viewing by whites.

      Isn't multiculturalism working well for us.

  4. live racism against chinese in wales welsh tv channel s4c

    1. 'Entries which attracted complaints included two members impersonating Chinese men'

      'Wales YFC apologised for any offence caused and said it was “innocent fun”.'

      Yet more casual racism.

    2. Thank God, according to the 2011 census (more on that when I have time), that Welsh is a dying language.

  5. Hope everyone is having a good, trouble free Christmas.

    No doubt everyone will have heard about the brutal rapes in India by now... whilst you might not at this (or similar issues) with depth, it would be wise to do so - for example in the Daily Mail

    the same DM readership which has, time after time, declared the entire Chinese peoples as barbaric, inhumane etc. after individual incidents of people who are Chinese killing or mistreating others...

    yet the same readership are now being rather tamed in their attitude towards the Indians - at no point has anyone said that the Indians are barbaric, etc... the focus - quite rightly - has been on the rapists, and the incompetence of their government. Whites clearly recognise a distinction between them and the rest of the Indians - especially with such a large populace.

    Yet somehow they treat ethnic Chinese as one broad collective. Why?


    I don't understand why the Daily Mail would moderate articles such as the above (or in other papers, prevent comments altogether), and similar ones...except when the incident occurred in China. e.g. brutal rape in India, Britain - anywhere (bar China) - moderate/close off comments. Brutal crimes occuring in China - unmoderated, open season. Indeed look back at 99% of articles in the DM about China - unmoderated. Why the double standards?

    Another phrase that is constantly used to display this is "I'm ashamed to be human/part of humanity". Yet this comment is mostly used by whites, when similar whites carry out an act of cruelty or brutality. They are delegating responsibility to "humanity" (all of us, all races, all countries), not just THEM. The same occured in the above article:

    what a sad way to end 2012. Thanks a lot humanity.

    - SheltonFern , Worcester, United Kingdom, 31/12/2012 13:16

    a white not proportioning blame to a race, even if it is not his own (as long as it's not oriental), instead saying it's "all of us".

    But read the comments of any crime committed by one of oriental origin. From shark hunters in Japan to fur skinners in China - an extremely low minority itself in China - yet all of a sudden it's not humanity, it's just those evil orientals.

    One must ask what white folk are gradually preparing for with this seperate set of journalist standards they have for us compared to other races and themselves.

  7. Hate to be the bearer of bad news:

    whatever the race of the person, I wish them a speedy recovery... but considering there is a sizeable but still hopelessly outnumbered resident and student ethnic Chinese population in Brighton, I just wanted to prepare for the worst...


    notice how the commentators are just calling the accused barbarians etc... they are individualising the case (rightly). Whereas incidents involving Chinese, they paint a broad brush on the entire race.

  8. Oh yeah, one more thing

    As part of the New Year celebrations in London

    I suppose its ok for us to mock blacks and dress up in tribal dress then. OH WAIT - double standards.


    thats disgusting :( the turtle is just frightened, someone stuck it into her face :( sick Chinese.

    - subarashii21, Bohumin, Czech Republic, 2/1/2013 11:39

    This makes me so angry. The Chinese people are so stupid.

    - Denise, Portland, 1/1/2013 23:50

    Both got quite a few green arrows.

    Why is it, despite those of other races, nationalities doing the same thing in the EXACT SAME ARTICLE, they are not singled out for it? An indian is shoving a fag in a monkey, anyone calling the indian people stupid???

    Indeed, 6 Indians raped, mutlilated and thrown a girl off a bus... not one person in those stories cited out as "sick Indians" etc... yet we alledgedly see dog with a cig in China (not that we have any proof in the first place, the article just says it was taken there) and people are saying ALL of us are sick, stupid....

    and let's not forget the fact that whites have many, many cases of animal abuse in recent times (not to mention causing the extinction of many birds and animals during their conquests of lands eg. America). Yet they seem to be able to look in the mirror, without hesitance, and criticise US - not any other race - for the actions of a few that THEY did EN MASSE in the past, and are still doing so now.

  10. Yet more comments full of hatred and directed at all, despite having no reason or backing... not to mention the hypocrisy saying this all as a white...

    China, the enslaved population that fills the planet with landfill, has no respect for human life and human rights, sucked up to by people without principle or morals as long as there is money to be made.

    - gaz, Eastbourne, 7/1/2013 19:07


    What was the article about? Brad Pitt tweeting he might come to China.... if a white can drum up that level of malice for something as harmless as this... well, it just goes to show the underlying level of hatred that ethnic Chinese face.

    He'll still have no issue fucking Chinese women though.

  11. I keep posting these articles and comments because I hope by now those who notice have realised the pattern. That racism towards ethnic Chinese is fundamentally different with regards to racism to other races. It is more insidious, more generalised (the actions of one is extended to our entire race), more filled with malicious venom. Attacks are made against "all the people", not the individual, who may indeed be cruel/evil etc....the words of attack used are more extreme - wishing ethnic genocide upon us, as opposed to jail.... expressing complete disdain rather than questioning the morality of the few... and the irony is, the men who say such words of fanaticism still are more than happy to enter intimate relationships with such an evil race.... whilst the others, whom they are more controlled over, they shy away from

  12. I'll give you an example irony shall I,

    On February 10th 2013 Hong Kong born Eurasian singer Emmy The Great will be performing in Londons Chinatown for Chinese New Year celebrations, this typical white washed 'non-chinese speaking' Eurasian most likely doesnt celebrate Chinese festivals, most likely has never dated a Chinese male in her life and most likely doesn't have any Chinese friends either, is currently in a relationship with white musician Tim wheeler of Ash....there wont be one Chinese FOB in London's Chinatown who will even know who she is.

    Emmy the Great is not part of the Chinese community and never has been, she was raised as a white person and her music appeals only to white people. This is another example of non-ethnic Chinese Eurasian performers using a Chinese platform by virtue of their mixed race Eurasian privilege in having a drop of Chinese blood, jumping on ethnic bandwagons, using ethnic Chinese platforms to sell/promote themselves.


      The go to guy regarding Chinese events is.... Tom Ville... who the fuck????

      And for my next trick. some Chinese guy will be in charge of the St George's Day Event....

  13. another new case of scottish racism against chinese today in scotland

  14. What the fuck

    So a nerdy white boy goes to China as one of those English as a Second Language teacher twats, suddendly he's an expert on the Chinese Education system and writes an article in the Guardian stereotyping it

    He even says himself

    "I am not here to pass judgment on a system I have barely two months knowledge of."

    Right, but that's exactly what you did by writing a piece on the Chinese education system. It's like saying "I'm not racist, but I think the Chinese should be wiped off the planet"

    1. White people will always downplay our academic achievements. They tend to turn a blind eye to the fact that it doesn't matter what country we live in, we tend to dominate and excel in all educational systems.

  15. Look at this, an article about the success of education systems around the world.... you'd think we'd ask the folk in charge, right?

    Two oriental - two commented on by white "experts on East Asia"..... of course, they had a Finn to talk about their own.,...


    Ian Paisley jJ uses word chinky in live radio broadcast.

  17. Happy new year all.

    On a different subject I do part time classes at the local uni and I notice a lot of what you might call FOBs attending.

    In fact the numbers are very large, and I noticed that the Chinese will form cliques within cliques.
    And what happens is this, the girls ranking from mid range ones to attractive ones will accept what I call ' shit lickers 'into their group - guys that they are not 1 bit attracted to, who are ugly and who they don't want as their Bf, but that they know that these guys are going after them .

    The Question is why . I think it is because these types of women are basically scarred in past by some guy they really liked and now they blame the whole of Chinese mandom for it, therefore they now take on ' stupid dogs ' for 2 reasons:

    1) To have a slave to do chores for them - carry goods, cook for them and generally be at their beck and call.

    2) As a face saver like " See I can still get a man even though inside I hate them "

    I think this is really cowardly behaviour as in the long run they will never get a good attractive man as their soul mate, their own cowardice and unjustified arrogance has killed them off in this way.

    This is also dangerous as it sets a terrible example for other girls( who may not be streetwise enough ) to follow.

    Fucking jokers.

    What are your views good men and women out there ?

    1. Well this site has many incidents behind Chinese women being socially naive, the moment they are attached to white man they will forego every standard she previously had to stay with him, simply because he's white and he's the ticket to white children and the elimination of her identity.

      But it isn't at all surprising to see socially naive Chinese men either, but in a different way. Again, this site has many examples of the lack of resistance and fight put up by Chinese men in responding to the disproportionate numbers of white men with oriental women - something that other race's men would, and have acted upon in the past. Sucking up to the oriental women who exploit them is an extension of this. That, instead of fighting the whitewashing of their women, they are gleefully picking up the scraps of attention they may get from the oriental women left over (who may or may not be seeing a white man on the side), doing whatever they command... after all, these oriental women know that there are more oriental men - far more so that many of the women flock to whites - and therefore can exploit this.

  18. A rather subtle case of "WTF" here, about the case of the poor lady who was beheaded (!) by some drugged up Bulgarian:

    "The court was shown CCTV footage of the attack, which took place inside a Chinese-owned supermarket on Avenida Juan Carlos I."

    Firstly, it's a couple of old people, probably with Spanish citizenship, of Chinese origin - yet that simple phrase implies the store is owned by "big bad China", like some sort of repossessive property
    ..... secondly, what does it being a Chinese owned supermarket have any relevance to the crime!?!?

    Casual name dropping like this has a gradual drip drip effect on the perceptions of ethnic Chinese

  19. The BBC just published an article on how Chinese women over 30 are perceived as leftovers....

    Read the comments by the predatory white men, disgusting...


    Maybe the Chinese women should come over here,

    I would be very accommodating.


    I would love to be thought of as a plaything, especially to a lovely 27 plus Chinese girl, lol.

    But, really, you've furthered my point. You are a Western woman rejecting the truth of your gender's role, loveliness, that which would make both you and your Western male counterpart happier. This is not lost on Chinese females but is , as apparent, on Western females.

    ==========i.e. stereotyping women of both races....


    Chinese babes are so hot! So Western men should scoop!



    That`s it, China it is then!



    This one goes out to all of you lonely 27 plus something Chinese babes...

    Western men love you!

    You haven't yet become fully like men, the way most Western women have become.

    Stay ever girlish, playful, and demure, at least on the outside, so that men can have their playthings. Real women shouldn't be concerned they lose their worth, for what would life be without the loveliness of a woman?


    51 Minutes ago

    I live in Maryland and would love to have more Chinese women as friends and indeed a wife and she sure would not have to be under thirty!



    How do the parents view their daughters dating a Westerner, btw?



    One thing that hasn't been mentioned:

    Chinese women are also getting educated to the fact they do not not have to accept a lower role in the relationship, especially to Chinese men who, in the majority, are going to "massage houses" or "spas," as they call them, on a regular basis. This fact cannot be denied if you have lived in China for any length of time and you have eyes and ears.

    ===========Notice how reallylarry is stereotyping Chinese men as cheaters whilst coming across as a msygonistic perv himself....sadly, these are the type of white men many oriental women find themselves with... ==


    Christopher Hobe Morrison

    "Who are you calling "leftover"? Huang Yuanyuan (front) and her colleague Wang Tingting"

    I'd take either of them!

    ===============That got 6 positives....============


    Hi ladies, i'm 1m82cm brown hair blue eye, mid thirties, work hard and would love to be a father to at least 3 mixed race children and be a stay at home Dad. Call me hahahahahah 27 over the hill lmao

    ==========So Chinese women want to marry up yet are attracting the white men perv types who would happily leech off them with a fixation of "mixed race children"???? ===================

    .... It is worth noting that there has previously been stories of Indian, Muslim and Black women who have done the same... ignore tradition and carve their own route as a independent, single 30-plus something.... yet the difference being that I don't hear white male perverts expressing their need for them - indeed, if you read the comments about immigration, they DON'T want them here in white countries... but would happily take oriental women

    Chinese men need to wake up about this social threat.

  20. 88.

    WTH, no worry there are always foreign men on the look out for these Chinese women in China, they can end up with and they don't mind being an obedient housewife for them.


    seriously, what is wrong with these white males???

    1. The biggest irony is that they are saying how much better in attitudes they are re: women, yet in the very same article we here other white males talking shit about white women for THEIR independence...

  21. Cancer increase in China due to pollution:

    Read how most the commentators aren't concerned about the health of the Chinese atually exposed to this on a daily basis, but about boycotting Chinese products and worrying about if such products might harm white people.

    And this

    They have only themselves to blame and IF IT GETS RID OF FEW MILLION CHINESE THAT WILL BE NO BAD THING, I am more concerned about the impact on the wildlfie and their habitats as they always suffer due to our reckless behaviour

    - myEngland, weymouth, United Kingdom, 23/2/2013 8:45


    1. It is so surreal, it defies all logic this selective racism on us.

  22. So true and all fronts. I see that this is a prevalent strategy by whites re: Chinese - they criticise the Chinese on things they don't want them to do - they realise the Chinese can take criticism personally, and exploit this - but usually they do this to move in so they can do it themselves.

    e.g. this recent, laughably sensationalist article about China enslaving the world (yup, they used that term! White people, no less!)


    yet look at the facts (even the story itself mentions that US has more presence in many countries than China - they word it by saying China is the biggest foreign influence.....NEXT TO THE US - lol) and you will see that the effects of whites on the world, the wildlife, the fauna and the environment past and present has made far more damage than ethnic Chinese have done.

    yet we still hear comments like this

    ===========Evil, greedy people, we should stay well clear of them. They will take everything and when they have it the world will be at their mercy.

    - Jean2311, Lincoln, United Kingdom, 28/2/2013 11:11

    Is anyone surprise that the cancer of the planet would move on to consume the world after having consumed everything in their own country.

    - TRUTH HURTS, wirral, 28/2/2013 11:04

    I wonder if these people look in the mirror....

    Amazingly, there are still Chinese women out there - even in the face of white criticism that tends to make them unsure of themselves - who are resilient and take pride in one's strengths:

    Granted China is still unpolished and morally imcomplete, it is a learning country while the west is arrogant.

    - Tracy Ting, Xian, China, 28/2/2013 11:32
    Click to rate Rating 1


  23. it's worth pointing out that articles and books [CHINA’S Silent Army] like the above are all part of the white media's gradual demonisation of our race.... I believe that is the reason why racism has such double standards compared to blacks and asians.... why we are seen as inhumane despite whites and other racial groups carrying out far more acts of inhumanity against others, especially to ethnic Chinese.....and why white men are targeting oriental women specifically with such military precision, despite asian., latino and black women suffering similar levels of poverty, living conditions etc - they WANT to create a pressure bottleneck based on the excess of Chinese men, knowing that it will implode and create an unstable society....

    Never underestimate the true intention of whites.

  24. How deluded is this!!!

    What a shock - no! Globalisation should read Cninese-isation, as the West has moved so much production capability East.

    - flo68, London, United Kingdom, 28/2/2013 9:34

    amazing that despite all the westernisation of China, there are whites who still think like this simply because stuff is made in China. All the lions share, brands, culture and INFLUENCE is white based - that's what these idiots tend to ignore.

  25. Another article with comments that grossly stereotype the oriental races

    Whilst some are aware of the hypocrisy (there is hope?), overwhelmingly whites seem to assume that criminal gangs = the entire race... it was the same with the dogs in cages incident in China a few weeks ago...


      - DEBORAH, France, 28/2/2013 14:01


      Another one quick to generalise gangs as all of the race...... worrying how people like this can harbour such genocidal tendencies based on ill informed racial generalisations.

  26. Don't agree entirely.

    The fact that most of the West is broke and China is getting more and more powerful is not lost on the local Europeans. there is no greater test of superiority than financial power, at least that's what the West used to say when they were rich.

    They fear us not look down on us hence the anti - Chinese rhetoric.

    As for so called over 30 Chinese women, well guys in your 30's go over there, show your money credentials and tell how poor the Euro-monkeys are and I assure you you will have no problems.

    As for me, I don't know where in UK you guys are, but It's hard for me to fend off Euro - women, I am holding out for my own ' Chow Hoi Mei ' but it's getting hard to refuse the offers - these are A grade euro - chicks.

  27. The statistics show otherwise.

  28. How some senior figures in a school are saying how Asian (as in oriental, as it's the US) women are preferred because they "have smaller sexual organs"....

    Sleazy comment time:

    Asian women are lovely.

    - Resnam, Sandbanks, 2/3/2013 23:15
    If you look at Resnam's profile pic:

    Yup, old bald white man....

    1. Sounds more like an Ah Cha

  29. Which statistics ?

  30. What has happened to the new articles here?

    Anyway, here is something from the Daily Mail

    As always, it is the comments that need examing. Whilst the article is biased (surprising!) when it IMPLIES that China wants to "take over US and Europe" (no official Chinese statement suggesting that), notice how many of the comments are linked with "Yellow Peril" and "the yellows are coming to take over the world"..... considering that China is a COUNTRY, why the emphasis on race? Would they do the same with blacks, asians... indeed, using a more realistic case of Muslim, black etc integration to white nations - there have been more - far more - of those coming here than ethnic Chinese and other "yellows" - yet people still suggest"Yellow Peril". Why is that?

    1. articles dont just magically appear or drop from the sky, someone has sit down and write them. Clearly no one has the time to write them any more, if you want new articles maybe you should write some yourself.

    2. People are BUSY...thats why no new blogs are coming up. Its that revision/spring/and then exam time. Got no time for dhese blogs man...innit?

  31. About - Chinese kids getting haircuts - interesting comment that raises up a good point

    I don't know why this is news?? My nephew goes ballistic the minute he hears hair,cut,haircut, barber, scissors...and in fact some barbers already know kids can be difficult to work with!!!

    - Zeta , Hampshire, United Kingdom, 14/3/2013 13:05


    As we have seen from JoBloggs's reaction - because they are Chinese. Because of this people will be inclined to say "oh look how cruel", whereas in the same situation with white people the thought wouldn't cross our mind. One might say this is just a Chinese hating newspaper wanting to capitalise and goad the audience into spilling their hate towards us - but then you realise, it's not their fault, they are the ones simply providing the platform.... if the white peoples didn't think that way, it would be a pointless exercise...

    1. I disagree with that last comment about they think that way already. Isn't it years and years of the media's constant drip-drip effect of tarnishing, rubbishing and most of all belittling any Chinese efforts let alone wrongdoings that usually make no international headlines unless it's the Chinese, it's international news.

      Example. When Islamists are found, Britain's angry mob want them deported. British Borns, the same, or at least cast them onto a remote island or imprison them. When the final few detained Islamists were released from Guantanamo Bay years back, the Uighurs were rejected in China, and rightly so if this was Britain. However....being China rejecting them and refusing them back into China, it's big news. China's this, China's that, blah blah blah. In Britain, the double-standards are played out on the Mail (as usual), where the usual red-face fist thumping little Englanders would usually cheer to this kind of act from Britain, but wait, not for China though. How cruel China are....Anyone see the brainwashing going on here? The regular simpletons in this country have been slowly brainwashed here, and yet they think they have superior thinking patterns to the Chinese calling them all "brainwashed". The irony.

  32. This so called oriental woman is using this as a platform to discharge her jealousies at her own sisters - what a loser !

  33. I swear we Asian men need to stop buttering up to white men. It's disgusting far too many Asians, male and females, put them on a pedestal. We need to start playing their game and start warming up to white women, while giving white guys the middle finger. We should take a note from Black culture in the US how they made themselves desirable to white women. It's definitely possible, look at how kpop and jpop have caused white women to desire them. Though it's only a niche market, the important thing is we capture the younger generation. The older generation will never change there minds, they were long ago brainwashed before the Internet.

    We Asians need to produce more media highlighting positive traits of Asians, whether it be movies, commercials or Youtube videos. Our main goal should be to portray ourselves in a variety of different roles. Don't pigeon-hole in a single role that can be stereo-typed.

    1. not only that, but every time we encounter racism - on the street, at work, education - we MUST respond. To say nothing not only gives them the impression that we are a walkover and empowers them to do it again - but also shifts anger and stress to you, the recipient of racism.

      By responding and making a personal insult/stereotype on the person who made the comment - something that winds them up (even if they don't show it) - you are making sure that you are not left walking away fuming whilst he walks away proud and self-righteous.

      General rule is that if that if they break the race/personal barrier - they are fair game. After all, they do not hesitate to do it to us.

    2. Superior characteristics of the high oriental male:

      1) intelligence

      2) hard work

      3) youth & longevity: Look at how long our youth last, compare a 40 yo Chinese to a 40 yo white and you can see how markedly the white guy has aged, whereas the Chinese would have barely changed in 20 years

      4) cleanliness: Look at infestation of STDs among Whites. I have never even seen a Chinese person with Herpes.

      5) We are richer: Western societies are mired in debt and recession but East Asia is booming

  34. the problem is, it is a growing trend. Oriental women ARE being swayed by the white beauty image ideal - thus developing insecurities of themselves and of their race, extending to self hatred of their identity.

    Furthermore, white press is only part of the problem - in Japan and South Korea there is a growing need to "white up" (skin colour, nose shape, hair, eye colour., eye size) - despite having limited white media influence there

    Of course all the above ultimately ends in oriental women shunning their men because they have no wish to have oriental children.

  35. I would like to know why whites, every time they see a story that features Chinese people in it - are so quick to draw race, and thus racial stereotypes into the mix. I've been monitoring stories of black and asians (browns) - whites show little to no link to race when talking about them. Do the Chinese ever read a story which so happens to have whites in it - white company, white people - and act in a similar manner to the following????

    But even in "neutral" stories - like a bunch of people queueing up for freebies

    or some cereal from Canada that improves your libido - i.e. NOTHIING to do with the Chinese

    we get these comments

    Don't think the Chinese will appreciate that cereal! ( One child rule) Don't we have enough people on this planet already? Lol!

    - kieran, Nottingham, 18/3/2013 19:32

    and the follow up:

    I'm afraid they use powdered rhino horn as a placebo and their imagination that it works to get their sexual kicks. What a terrible waste of an endangered species. So I hope they DO start eating this cereal instead.

    - John Doe, Chippenham, 18/3/2013 20:00


    and from the queueing story

    > Don't know why they're hiding their faces. They all look the same.

    - Corriefan, Dublin, 18/3/2013 15:51

    (Rather rich, coming from the Irish!)

    > `Losing face` is something every Chinese person tries to avoid.

    - brown boots, london, 18/3/2013 14:58

    (Yeah, like that guy in the PJs....)

    > is there anything the chinese wont queue for?

    - Chris, Manchester, 18/3/2013 12:22

    (Says Chris, from Manchester, Britain....known for its queueing)

    > Just like poaching the animals! Do not want to be seen.

    - kostiha23, Temple tx, 18/3/2013 18:57

    > now suddenly they have shame?!!

    - bell boy, void, 18/3/2013 19:03

    (Veiled comment there)

    How sad that the pictures could almost have been taken anywhere. Great cultures are being suborned to some western style , which is mostly rubbish.

    - Samuel Pickwick, London, United Kingdom, 18/3/2013 12:56

    1. last comment is spot on though. the whitewashing of nonwhite cultures is sad.

  36. > Just like poaching the animals! Do not want to be seen.

    - kostiha23, Temple tx, 18/3/2013 18:57


    Furthermore, this comment is extremely hypocrital considering the Americans poach all sorts in their local wildlife - FOR FUN (hunting).

    It also generalises (as with all comments there) that all Chinese poach animals i.e. that somehow those Chinese queueing for freebies are the same people who hunt...

  37. this comment in particular is really sad

    That is why a Chinese friend of mine has changed the family (and her son's) surname... it is the only distinguishable factor regarding his race during the application process, obviouslly during the interview stage he has no choice to reveal his race, but at least he gets that foot in. I have heard similar stories in the workplace.

    - Bob the Welder, London, United Kingdom, 26/3/2013 11:23



  38. I don't fucking care what people say to this, but this is the brutal truth.

    Why are most of the most "desired" women in the world white (or latina/light black)?

    It's a sad truth and east Asian women know it. That's why eye-opening surgery so popular.

    It's also true that most BBC men actually rather have a white woman than a Chinese woman.

    Why? (Yes, some of you are flabbergasted)

    You'll find some fathers of BBC men actually (rather discreetly) want them to get with white women.

    They won't say "get with a white woman" directly to their face, but they will give subtle hints like "she's beautiful" when they see a white woman on TV, but not so complimentary when a Chinese woman appears.

    Are there any east Asian women on Twitter with a large following?

    Nope, it's all white, latina or black!

    Besides, in the Western world, no white person asks any person of non-white origin to bang on about protecting their heritage-

    -likewise whites themselves don't do so themselves, white pride is explicitly banned!

    (Yes I know some of you claim otherwise, but the western world is an extremely politically correct place)


    1. Although I agree with the general sentiment i.e. the whitewashing of those who are ethnic Chinese, in effect being ashamed of their own identity, there is a lot wrong with your one line "facts". I'll be brutal and break it down for you

      >>> Why are most of the most "desired" women in the world white (or latina/light black)?
      --- They're not. Why are there so many white men who want to bang oriental women?

      It's a sad truth and east Asian women know it. That's why eye-opening surgery so popular.
      ------- Eyelid surgery is so popular due to oriental women being ashamed of who they are, placed by pressures of white beauty being the "right" definition of what beauty is.

      It's also true that most BBC men actually rather have a white woman than a Chinese woman.
      -------This is coming from a white male, with your own personal presumptions? Clever.

      Why? (Yes, some of you are flabbergasted)
      ----Flabbergasted by your stupidity, yes.

      You'll find some fathers of BBC men actually (rather discreetly) want them to get with white women.
      -----------If you spend a few minutes on Chinese forums you'll notice that many Chinese men born in white countries talk about their family (both parents) wanting them to marry a Chinese girl because they are more loyal, and that white women aren't. So I don't know where you get that idea from (see previous point)

      They won't say "get with a white woman" directly to their face, but they will give subtle hints like "she's beautiful" when they see a white woman on TV, but not so complimentary when a Chinese woman appears.
      ----------------Whenever I see a beautiful woman of any race, I'll say she's beautiful. But thats the problem - the white definition of what beauty is has consumed most of the world. Oriental beauty has thus taken a backseat, made way for "white beauty".

      Are there any east Asian women on Twitter with a large following?
      =------ They're all on Weibo....

      Besides, in the Western world, no white person asks any person of non-white origin to bang on about protecting their heritage-
      --------------------Er... what? Protecting whose? Non whites live as MINORITY in this country, so yes, they have to continue their heritage and identity in this country.

      -likewise whites themselves don't do so themselves, white pride is explicitly banned!
      ------------I had a white pride rally in my local city a few months ago.... police allowed it....

      ----------- I want to fuck all women I find attractive. I am a man.

    2. Bullshit. Twitter is a Western thing, come on to QQ and you will see Chinese have followings in the 100's of thousands.

      You're the one that needs to ' come on'.

      Show me a ' white' celebrity that hasn't had some form of plastic surgery past the age of 30'ish and no very few Chinese celebrities have had it and no you cannot disagree cause you know nothing about Chinese media. End of Mr. Monkey of dubious ethnicity - probably mixed race due to his inclusion of so called light black women.

  39. Us BBC men have been successfully whitewashed ourselves too.

    If only Babe-station was never created

    If only Vikki Blows was never born

    Let's be honest, Chinese people don't really want to be Chinese anymore



    Ever heard of the "Only Chinaman in the Village" syndrome?

    Every-time you saw another Chinese kid walk into the room when you were at school, you'd do anything to reject them and you'd walk the newsagents and buy Front magazine so you could stare at fit babes all day long during lunch breaks.

    It was the only way to forget about the fact that everyone rejected you

    1. "Chinese people don't want to be Chinese anymore"

      Er, so why the hundreds (thousands?) of comments on here, indeed the interest with a site like this in the first place???

      As for Babestation, Vikki Blows, "Front magazine" and "Only Chinaman".... that says more about you methinks, you're a porn addict with an inferiority complex. When I saw another Chinese kid when I was young I said hi. It was their problem (and maybe their own inferiority complex) if they didn't say hi back. It takes two to tango.

  40. Forget about what other people think about you.

    F the whites F the Asians , you define yourself !

    And yes it is inevitable that with so many PRCs at universities here, people will assume all Chinese are PRC. I get that too but I don't give a damn.

  41. So how does an article like this

    manage to get a comment like this

    disgusting race and disgusting flats go away no news to the UK

    - tracey, liverpool, 10/4/2013 18:08

    lots of chinese people in liverpool too.... dangerous people like tracey who have more sway through her words can do a lot of damage to the chinese nearby. Scary stuff

  42. Well check this out:

    Under this news...someone ignorant who thinks Indonesia is in China wrote:

    'Lionair, isn't that how the Chinese pronounce Ryanair.
    - Alanb , Stoke on Trent, United Kingdom'

  43. So then, earthquake in China, killing hundreds, injuring and making homeless thousands:

    "With over 1.3 billion of the little yellow people running round, 120 doesn't really touch the sides"

    "Shame its not more of the yellow man!!"

    This is the sort of people we have to deal with, in our own country. The people we have to pay taxes for, support when they are vulnerable, risk our lives and fight for if we were to go to war.

    It's not truly bad though. These comments serve as a reminder, especially when you are facing racism direct on the street, why you should not sit back and take it, and fosters pure motivation to do something about it

  44. Hey Guys, no more articles ?

    1. I'm in the process of writing a few, the others have been slacking so there's a lot of catchup.... racism doesn't stop just because the posts stop here....

      Here's one for you now - you may have heard, a measles epidemic is in Swansea and is spreading in South Wales. On the NHS website, there are posters and FAQ translations for 10 languages - guess who they left out?

      It shows what priorities white governments have for ethnic Chinese. Wherever you are from in the world - get you vaccination! Chinese - fuck off and die!

    2. Well, why? South Wales is not Hong Kong, is it?

    3. Neither is it Russia, Romania, India, Slovakia, France, Germany. Did you even read my comment?

      The difference is that, per capita, there are more Chinese residents (through university students) than several of the included translations.

      How many Russians do you know in South Wales?

    4. If they are too feckless to read the English (which is hardly Victorian legalese), they are probably not clever enough, linguistically or intellectually, to deserve to be in a University, even one in Wales, and they probably should just return home, "go back to where they came from", instead of wasting their parents' and relatives' borrowed money back in China, and occupying seats that deserving candidates, regardless of nationality, could had taken up.

      I say, but what is the point of getting a fancy foreign degree when all you can get in China is the job of a postman (my cousin), or of an office errand boy (my brother, both from and are now back in Hong Kong), with no "particular and obvious" prospect of "preferment" or advancement?

  45. That's a joke. Chinese is a leading world language.

    You know what guys I for one am getting sick of this crap and the fact that if it is a kundut or black person under whatever injustice there is, then there is a big hue and cry about it.

    Is there any sort of support organisation for Chinese people that can help with institutionalised racism ?

    I'm getting all sorts of crap from the place that I take evening classes from - IOW racism against Chinese men. They are pursuing this even when they were caught red handed framing me. Pieces of crap.

    1. Can you please go into more detail with what you are going through and the incidents that happened?

    2. Basically I caught a woman red handed almost burning down our residences 3x.

      So far they haven't even investigated the incident the so called hall managers then colluded with this woman to concoct other irrelevant allegations against me.

      On the last occasion, there were independent witnesses and I had seized the evidence to prevent them from concocting even more lies.

    3. Are the police involved?

  46. LOL!!!

    In the U.S. "Asians" are categorized as being "quiet and demure." I lived in Brooklyn Chinatown and the baht pors that lived in my building were LOUD! The first thing they'd do when they would get in the building is yell and scream. Chinese people have always been loud. Do I care? No, 'cause wth that got to do with me? I'm an individual. I am an ABC. All the old aunties can be loud as they fucking want. The hell you gonna do about it!?!?!?

    Anyways, fuck the cracka pigs!


    I love this blog. I don't like the ABC run blogs. It's all about being wishy washy and holding hands with the blacks and browns who are just as racist to Chinese people as whiteys are. It's about not stepping on feet and wanting people to like us. Blah, blah blah

  47. This article's comments makes me furious:

    Since when did whites decide what is or isn't racist to orientals??? "Yup, as a white man holding your eyes back to emphasise your're Chinese isn't racist...cos we say so!!!"

    1. Every person has done that at least once in life

      - Uswisc, Oconomowoc, United States, 24/6/2013 21:36

      What a world of wimpey losers we live in. I cannot imagine that anyone alive has not done that at some time. Twitter should be banned. It's a danger to freedom.

      - bwims, Dover, United Kingdom, 25/6/2013 14:24


      More of the same. "We've all done it, therefore its OK"..... I wonder if they would feel the same if they all said "we've all blacked up at least once in life"

  48. A confused, perverted article on the Daily Mail

    The caption

    "Kang Kang does not appear to have too much on beneath her graduation robes"

    What sort of a white freak posts this as a reporter on the site of the country's bestselling newspaper?

  49. I don't think she is stunning. She's above average but that millions more like her and many even better. That's the quality of us Chinese !


  50. Hey guys,

    Is this blog done or what ? keep going man we BBCs need this !

    I'll contribute if need be .


    1. send your article to one of the contributors,

  51. Why can't I send it direct to the site owner ?


    1. dont think there is a site owner any more.

  52. No, there is no site owner....a certain mainland Chinese doctor working for the NHS (former Miss UK China beauty) sent a legal threat to the owner... and the owner got scared and vanished...

  53. Guys, we need another one of these .

    Can I take over this from the owners ?


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