Saturday, 21 July 2012

Why Its Unsafe To Call John Terry a ‘Fucking White Cunt’

In January, Dianne Abbot was metaphorically hung by the British public for tweeting something as innocuous as “White people love playing divide and rule, we should not play their game.”
Against hounding accusations of racism against White people, she backtracked claiming a historical reference to the colonial past even though the tweet was clearly written in the present tense. Evidently, tolerance for radical outspoken ethnic speakers within the mainstream appears to be diminishing, even within the virtual realm of the internet it is no longer ‘safe’ to speak out nor fight against ‘white racism’ nor fight for ethnic causes without retribution or consequence - whatever happened to Britain’s tolerance of oppressed racial minorities' Black rights?

In 1964, Malcolm X orchestrated a highly charged ‘racial’ speech at the Oxford Union, the ‘White man’ was labelled a ‘devil’ and a ‘racialist’ to shuddering rounds of applause from the debating chamber, yet forty eight years on, times have changed, the election of Barack Obama opened new discussions on race and ethnicity discourse (Listen to podcast with Ralph Eubanks and Professor Mark Anthony Neal).

The Guardian is currently running a series of articles on racism in the digital age. It is argued in a post-racial age, the ‘White man’ neither tolerates nor feels burdened by the cries of racial suppression from its racial minorities. Whilst racial minority bloggers and journalists maybe given license on the Centre-Left Guardian newspaper to share their tribulations promoting race and ethnicity issues within the sphere of the mainstream, ironically 'below the line' comments accompanying these articles are less sympathetic, overflowing with (mostly white) egesta lacking an iota of empathy towards the plight of its ethnic minorities.

The internet mob heckle the ethnic bloggers till they scarper with their tails between their legs seeking sanctuary in the Huffington Post. 'Racism is the new McCarthyism,' the internet mob shout, ‘how dare you play the race card and drum up hysteria accusing poor innocent ‘White’ people of racism?!’ 

The mob are jubilant, vindicated by the courts decision in R v John Terry racist use of 'you fucking Black cunt,' yet Rio Ferdinand loses his place in the England team after making a stand against racism. So Where does this leave those still brave enough to fight or speak out against racism?
"The consensus that societies are post-racial has supported a range of political strategies often described as "cultural racism". The people are not racist, the argument goes, and any prejudice is merely a natural defensive response to the "reverse racism" of "migrants" who refuse to adapt and accept "our way of life" (Titley and Lentin, The Guardian)
In a 'post-racial age,' ethnic minorities are increasingly having to justify their position in even attempting to develop an strong ethnic identity, large sections of the community truly believe our identity should not be based on race as it is divisive. As The Guardian puts it eloquently..."being blind to race often involves being blind to racism." In attempting to deny us our ethnic identity, denying us the chance to fight back or speak out, they hope to deny us our ethnic voice, if race doesn’t exist- there can’t be any racism can there?

By BBCZeitgeist


  1. Christ, whatever happened to the play ground rhyme? Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me?

    Ok so it may be unpleasant but surely calling words like this racism degrades the REAL racism our parents suffered in the past.

    If your dad ever worked in hot food, ask him about when Bruce Lee movies came out. Big beefy guys would go into Chinese places eat loads and walk out. Challenge them to a fight. This is why I loathe Bruce Lee.

    That was REAL racism. Windows bricked every week, fires set, robbery, police caring even less than they do today.

    1. There are no robberies or burglaries today? We've highlighted plenty of cases on this blog as well racially motivated murders. No, it doesn't degrade them, if anything you're doing disservice to them and to other Chinese by not continuing the fight and claiming all forms of racism today is trivial.

  2. Ahem, secondly, Chinese are racist amongst themselves anyway. How many of us have been called bananas? When we go visit the grand parents/parents.

    Or go visit the NT sometime where there are clear divides amongst ethnic Hakka and the Cantonese. My own aunt was disowned by my grandad for marrying a Cantonese guy. Hakka even have a saying if you can't speak it then you're not one of us.

    1. Is that relevant to the issues discussed in the article?

  3. Re: video

    Funny he said that just as a black person walked right past him, guess the guy mustve been deaf.

    I think racism towards blacks is more brutal and can end in violence, witness the incident that sparked off the multicultural riots last year. As far as living in a 'post racial' age, I think its only because of things like the economy, that distracts us from it. Obviously with England being white-centric and English not having any problem with that, this is hardly the melting pot of equality that somewhere like America pretends to be.

    If whites dont feel the burden in a post-racial age, then as far as ethnic Chinese are concerned , all they need to do is go through the sinophobic stuff on this blog. And as far as a catchphrase, being post-racial means as much to me as 'political correctness'. Its still IMO a technical construct that was invented by (********)to set everyone against each other which as Diane Abbott rightly says, 'divide and rule'. Having said that, its something that I still feel Chinese need to believe in because as SF mentioned on another thread , that Chinese only look 'up' to white and 'down' at black, and in general dont believe in race, which I suppose is why we most Chinese women dont see an issue with the mixed race article that Chinese males do. In this respect as a global social identity,or racial, if you want to call it that,Chinese IMO need to become MORE discriminating to balance against our more peaceful nature, otherwise the insane obsession with everything white/western will become our demise.

    Re: Kens comment above, the racism used by the older gen is different to racial and social awareness that Chinese need to have now. The old school racism doesnt work because that was more to do with refusing to adapt and learn. Also they left a lot of mess behind that us western born Chinese culture had to grow up in and only now, waking up to.

    What I believe BBCs need now, and maybe Chinese as well is more a global social identity , which is healthier, and progressive, being based on racial pride and identity,and principle, whilst accepting that we live in a western world and use western technology. Also helps that the negative pushers of racism whose ideology is based on divide and conquer hate us lol

    1. Thats the point I've been trying to address in the article, going through sinophobia on the blog will not make them feel burdened, they see it as a form of reverse racism - they're being witch-hunted.

    2. Had to read it several times, felt unclear, maybe needed highlighting at the end, but another way of expressing what youre trying to get at, is:

      'When white majority are extinguishing an ethnic minority's right to appeal against genuine discrimination from whites, by calling it reverse racism, does that mean whites are allowed to get away with racism?'

      The way you wrote it, at least I interpreted it, might attract the whitewashed BBC racism denialists who think you are killing your own argument dead before it's begun.

    3. Taking that scenario as a real possibility, then first thought is you can apply that to many things that people are having their rights being taken away. But then if whites dont feel guilty about real facts, opium wars, how the western empire was creating, mental colonisation, daily mail sinophobia, racial assualts against Chinese students, death of a delivery driver by white teenager, globalist 'power colonisation' being adopted by hi-culture Chinese FOBS, mixed race British Chinese community, and all the others I can think of we have discussed....

      then the only solution is to present it to them forcefully. Because the thicker the skin, the harder the message needs to be. If people dont want to know, they need to be have it rammed down their throat.

      Personally I think the reverse racism thing is a bluff concept. This country is on its last legs and as far as Chinese is concerned, they wont dare fuck with us.

      Remember, when public racial complaints are made by,or vocalised by a Chinese, its not necessarily aimed at whites. For example, say for instance we had our own media, and we started publicising stuff on here as debate then some white person complained of 'reverse-racism'.

      So what? f*ck him.
      As I said above, Chinese need to understand that racism is different contextually for us to the other indians and blacks whose countries have already been f&cked over by colonisation. For us its an educational learning curve of a new concept - our new global social identity.

      In this respect we have a voice that is stronger than this politically correct label of reverse-racism or whatever the western social engineers want to call it now. To me as a Chinese, It means nothing IMO. In this respect, when it comes to taking a racial stance to defend cultural pride, being British Born Chinese has more clout than any other British Born ethnic.

    4. TPTB is what?

    5. if youre following the case. the black player you saw in the video walking past JT looks like Ashley Cole who gave testimony defending john terry in the court. Today,

      Rio Ferdinand calls Ashley Cole a 'choc ice,' white on the inside black on the outside! police are investigating after complaints of racism!

    6. Rio was tweeted the message: “Looks like Ashley Cole’s going to be their choc ice. Then again he’s always been a sellout. Shame on him.”

    7. LOL @Choc ice.TPTB= The powers that be.

      Re denialists.Yes as I think I said somewhere before, we Chinese tend to be too slow off the mark when it comes to appreciating how the humanities work. Consume and let someone else worry about social issues sums us up lol.

    8. I just re-read your bit about the police investigating re Ashley Cole. So despite living in a post racial age where as you wrote

      ' the ‘White man’ neither tolerates nor feels burdened by the cries of racial suppression from its racial minorities'

      Doesnt that mean whites having their cake and eat it too? Its a complete socially engineered falsehood.An act of desperation. If anything by perpetuating the rule that you cannot breach the invisble line imposed on you that keeps you in your place a 'minority', and using police control, it reveals fear from authorities that the falsehood of their white-centric ivory tower of privilege is being exposed.

      So does that mean everyone on this blog gets arrested because those privileged ones neither want to admit certain truths nor care about it, choosing to absolve all responsibility and instead be offended by facts? What a load of crap.

    9. Are you surprised considering the number of times this blog has been threatened with or reported for racism, hate speech, anti-semitism etc etc.

  4. Those applauding Malcom X critisising white people were very well aware of the very explicit racism that existed in US white society at the time and it was undeniably unjust. Nowadays, however, racism has been largely (but not totally) expunged from the social surface and submerged into more covert and unconscious forms. (An example being that racism is a lot more prevalent on the internet compared to face-to-face society.) Racism is less obvious and in your face than it was 20-30 years ago but it exists.

    I don't usually like what is posted on this blog (I read out of interest/boredom), but this is the most thoughtful thing you've written so far. Keep it up.

    1. Yes I quite agree, color blindness doesn't get rid of racism at all. I have a second article. what kind articles would you like to see?

  5. Replying to the title of this subject. It's unsafe if you are suggesting there is imblance today where racism and racist slurs are concerned.

    The problem lies with the classic master-slave form of racism that we all know and understand. Being in a European country, it's common to know that white is superior and therefore any slurs on other race will be deemed racist because of the commonly held view of all other race other than Europeans are seen as below or expected to be below that of European descent.

    Because of this, a whole generation of Brits have grown up knowing postitive discrimmination has to take place to make this a catch up game. However, recently, a tide of "enough is enough" culture that is slowly growing momentum thanks to an opening by Daily Mail and Muslims failing to bend for the Brits has allowed these grumbling Brits a way in to make their comments more acceptable.

    This is where we are today. If there is a minority claiming racism, be sure that the media are hunting (with the help of the BNP and EDL)down their counter version. It sells papers and it's a controversial subject that is close to a lot of people's hearts.

    Are the whites losing control and letting the victims now become the aggressors? That's the tone of it. Hence headlines of Rio's agreement via Twitter can gain more interest than the actual trial of John Terry itself speaks volumes. In other words, the agenda is now more about what is racism, esepcially if an ethnic minority can criticise another ethnic minority, that must surely be racism too, therefore must be treated as serverely as Terry himself.

    We now find ourselves living amongst Brits who relish for headlines like Rio's to make a claim that there is actually injustice in this country and ethnics are being treated better than so-called indigenous population. From the Rio Ferdinands of this world to Diane Abbott, they make rich pickings for the ultra-right who can't wait to jump in and remind the mainstream this is a farce.

    Whilst all this happens, BBCs and FOBs stand silent and simply witness this knowing full well that racism exists but will end up still being a victim and worse still, the growing resentment for any ethnics who fail to live the British way are making headlines more and more.

    It can only mean one thing. Parents begging their children to keep their heads down and go and blend in. This means, don't question, just be like an English person (whatever that means) hoping that it will bring less troubles for them. SF.

    1. very good answer to the media circus. I agree it can lend weight to the right, indeed this really sums up their argument that ethnics are treated better than whites.

  6. Ahem, Sir Wing Yip, that's rather un-Chinese of you to stoop to his level isn't it?

  7. John Terry Found Guilty Of Racial Abuse

    1. Perhaps the reason he is so keen to quit before it would get the push. Either way, he is damaged goods and have tarnished what achievments he may have accumulated throughout his career. Personally, I would love to see this example happen more so it sends out a clear messages to others that racism will not be tolerated in any shape and form. Imagine if the victim was Chinese, a case like that can do wonders. SF.

  8. Looks like John Terry has been fucking a lot of Chinese women too (and the wives of the bloggers who have commented on this post!).

    We should do Britain by executing him by burning.

    By doing that maybe the Chinese will be accepted as British
