Thursday, 21 November 2013

Weeaboos, Koreanophiles & Asiaphile Yellow Fever Girls

Japanophile Gwen Stefani.
Unravelling the intercultural phenomena known as the 'Weeaboo.'

A weeaboo is a non-Japanese obsessed with Japan and all things Japanese, AKA Japanophile, wapanese, otaku, anime/manga nerd, fangirl. A Chinese Japanophile is called harizu (search Youtube or BBC Facebook group). These girls sometimes interchangeably fetishize about Korean culture too but usually it is through discovering Japanese culture first.

Weeaboos And Asian Men

Due to cultural bias in discovering Japanese culture before any other Asian culture, young Asiaphile westerners perceive Japan to be a gateway to the rest of Asia, for example, a White Wapanese female once said that I should be indebted to Japanese culture for making Asian guys desirable to White girls, this is in reference to the fact that the White English females who have 'made a move' on me have been Japanophiles, not 'normal' White girls - if only her statement was true. Dating site's are valuable for research sampling, they reveal ethnic dating preferences, such prejudicial information is rarely disclosed in real life. On one unnamed site, 18 White female profiles contained typical Japanophile references (Hayao Miyazaki etc), of which 6 (33%) excluded Asian guys from their ethnic dating preference. The majority were no-racial-preference girls, merely multi-cultural consumers who enjoy different cultures. 2 out of the 18 stated a narrow preference for Asian guys (it is rarely an exclusive preference for Asian, rather Asian and another race i.e White), it is reasonable to surmise its a preference for Japanese men (because of the culture, wish to learn the language and a requirement to find a host for a visit to Japan), given a choice that is, but there are few Japanese in the UK, these types of girls are more likely to date a Chinese, many can't tell the physical difference between East Asian's either, any 'oriental' guy will do.

Extreme Self Hatred - Weeaboo Style

How to spot the self-haters...

1. Voluntary emigration
2. Marrying and/or breeding with another race
3. Refusing to speak their own ethnic language
4. Refusing to follow the culture/values/religion pertaining to their own race
5. Allegiance in the event of war, conflict or sporting competition etc

Weeaboo's exhibit most of the above and typically spout...
"My country sucks. I wanna emigrate, live, study or work in Japan. I wanna get a job as an artist working for Studio Ghibli. Mixed race half white half Asian are so kawaii, I wish I was half Japanese myself. I am learning Japanese language and wear cosplay Gothic Lolita clothes, watch anime, manga, listen to visual kei and eat Ramen Noodles and support Japan during the World Cup."
Common characteristics are 'weeaboo denial and weeaboo delusion.' When accused of being a weeaboo, they will deny it and point their finger at 'her over there' in an attempt to distinguish themselves as a 'proper' Japanese even though they're Caucasian, some paradoxically call other foreigners  "baka gaijin" (these 2 words along with kawaii are usually the only Japanese words an average weeaboo knows). A reality check in the mirror will see what race they are, wearing a kimono, watching anime and having a Japanese haircut will never make them Japanese, but in their mindset lies a desperate fantasy to be Japanese, thus a hatred of any race that isn't Japanese including their own race as well as an defence of Japan's war crime's record and an insistence the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and  Nagasaki were unjustified, rather like Nazi sympathizers disdain over the bombing of Dresden. Weeaboo's support Japan in sporting and cultural competitions rather than their own country, not that they're interested in sports, weeaboo's are too nerdy for sports, rather they participate in an individualist activity such as swimming, its rarely a team sport as weeaboo's tend to be low energy, anti-social, introverted and would rather be alone drawing on Deviantart.

Like many westerners living in the Far East, a large section were unpopular oddballs in their own western country so they seek out a new home. The internet allows them to fill this cultural void, indulging  in delusional nerdy otaku sub-culture. Ironically for these White fangirls is that many native Japanese dislike these types of foreigners, wapanese girls have a tendency to be juvenile in nature, their adolescence is the start of their wapanese fantasy, whereas some grow out of it by 21, others keep going, i.e they're 30 going on 12. They still watch anime at the age of 30. Their behaviour is predictable, starting off non-assuming and innocent, gradually evolving through a metamorphosis...eventually replacing their own western name with Japanese or Korean text or adding chan, sakura, neko, hime etc.

Westerners often associate anime/manga with Asian culture, arguably its nerd culture, hence a minority of nerds from the West find themselves compatible with a minority of nerds from the East, whereas a non-nerdy Asian male won't be that compatible with a nerdy White female, it follows that fangirls have a tendency to attract other western fangirl/boys like themselves rather than Asian's because of an admiration of a  sub-culture that is not mainstream in Asia. E.g, Visual kei, Gothic Lolita or some cross dressing effeminate Hizaki, its arguably more popular in the West than in Japan.

Note the absence of 'Asians.' Asians stay well away from weeaboo Cosplay Conventions
 Why? Perhaps, these sub-cultural genres are western influenced. Anime characters are western looking with pointed noses, big round eyes, brown and blonde hair, Gothic Lolita costumes derive from Rococo and Victorian history, the band Versailles is a homage to the House of Bourbon hence the palace name and its period costumes, J-Rock, J-Pop etc is western music adapted, modified and re-packaged for  Japanese markets. White girls can relate to this, its their own western culture culturally appropriated by the Japanese.

Most White girls are outsiders looking through the Asian window, that's the nature of fandom, admiration  from a distance within their own fantasy world, even when they visit the Far East to fulfil their dream, they don't last long there, they're foreigners, foreigners usually mix with other foreigners like themselves within their expatriate communities. Their big plans wither away, they can't hack it long term, White people are notoriously poor at adapting to foreign environments, they can't turn native, many cannot speak the local language fluently, in the end, they trail back to the west. Some have travelled or lived overseas for so long, they are unable to acclimatize, they become western versions of shengnu, some having experienced real Asian men and real Asian longer want to date Asian guys, whilst others upon their return to the west...end up marrying a westernised Asian guy.

White Girls Don't Get East Asian Culture...

It is assumed that a White female that dates an 'oriental' guy is attuned to his culture, this is often not the case. White girls just can't resist doing a Chinese accent, there are many Chinese guys who have no issues with that nor with her slanting her eyes with her fingers, they laugh it off, in the process legitimizing her conduct and giving her licence to continue doing it as she does not consider it to be inappropriate.

It is self-deprecation in the face of White people, even in comedy, Peter Chao (surprise surprise Davin Tong has a white girlfriend) is the worst culprit of recent times, such horrid accents are normally reserved for the likes of Peter Ustinov as Charlie Chan. Most mainlanders and Taiwanese won't know who Peter Chao is, 80-90% of his fans on Facebook are non-Chinese, most yellow fever girls like him, yellow fever girls also seem to love Russell Peters, an Canadian Indian stand up comedian who incessantly ridicules Chinese using stereotypes through the eyes of non-Chinese folks like himself. Yellow fever girls also appear to love Wong Fu Productions...From what I've seen all they do is pre-occupy themselves with testing Asian stereotypes to see if they're true or not, these are things that White people can relate to...i.e White interpretation of Asians through non-Asian spectacles,  that is precisely how White girls look at Asian culture and the exact reason why they find Russell Peter's amusing and why they slant their eyes for their Chinese boyfriend. There's an attuning mismatch in Asian male expectations of yellow fever girls behaviour to his culture and what yellow fever girls think Asian men or Asian culture is about. (BBCZeitgeist)


  1. Actresss Anna chumsky 'My girl' is married to Shaun So, he is Chinese. There are some others, but they dont get much media coverage though.

  2. what i found interesting is your take on the asian youtube guys - i think you should turn that into a separate post under 'east asian youtubers'. wong fu are middle of the road nice boys and peter chao is a commercial selfhater but typical hk moneywhore. dont think people should be looking for progressive comedians on youtube, in fact thats one of the last places id look. as we all know the most popular asian commercial entertainment in western media = asian mockery comedy

  3. All the white women ive dated have been asiaphiles. I think only two liked me for who i am. The east asian women ive been, one saw me as novelty, another never had time for me, another had to go back to Korea. The last one really broke my heart ( she never had time for me) and since then i dont think ive really gotten over it. Anyway, back to the post. i think its safe to say that you need to surround yourself with East asian women to find a nice one. Re: white women. Yeh well if it works out and as long as the sex is good and you are both happy. But make sure you arent the servant of the relationship. Asians have this tendency to serve whitey and even ive been guilty of that. No longer.

  4. I tell you guys what is one of the worst gweilo versions of this are the long term gweilohs in the Far East, they are totally repulsive caricatures of hypocrisy. Having spent their whole lives in the FE they still have the nerve to claim " Europeaness " when it is advantageous to them, ie) picking up self hater Asian women. This despite not having spent one year in Europe.

    1. Whatever they can get away with it. Don't forget if oriental women saw through it all, they would have zero success. Clearly this isn't happening, so perhaps oriental women are a bit dimwitted or can see the ruse - and accept it anyway, simply because of them being white.

      If the latter, then the problem is severely deep rooted, a self hating racist culture is difficult to fix.

    2. ^ Butthurt sexpat.

  5. Um, I feel weird now.

  6. PLEEEESE guys ... the term is ORIENTAL otherwise the you know whats will try as always to pass themselves off as Chinese even though we have NOTHING in common with them. Not our looks, language, food, religion - no nothing.

    Don't unknowingly give these notorious ugly self racists unwitting encouragement


  7. Why so much hate from you?

  8. Kudos to you, like your attitude. jia you !!


  9. Are the writers and creator of this blog still active?

  10. I guess not then. Shame.

  11. This very article is obviously from and by some-one with a tonne of chips on each of his both shoulders. It must have been incredibly hard to be rejected either as a full Briton (culturally, he is not British) or as a full Chinese (when he can't actually read Chinese)! He would like to think that he were an Asian "kool kid" in California, but he is obviously not either!

  12. A depressed Chinese man attempts suicide, instead of showing empathy like normal people, 99% of the people (Americans and Brits) made racial jokes.

    That is what ethnic Chinese have to contend with, lack of emotions from whites (who accuse us of being cruel!!! The nerve), not some misplaced ignorance from white girls who have a fascination with asian culture

    1. ^ Look and laugh at this loser.

  13. Hi guys,

    What's happened to this ? is this done ?

    Chinese X

    1. A British born Chinese girl who was shown on one of the posts here adhering to white stereotypes of oriental women in a white man's sex book didn't like the fact that she was being described as she was, and sued the owner of the site. I'm guessing he couldn't afford it and came to an agreement to stop posting articles about oreintal women being whitewashed.

    2. Really ? On what grounds ? And the posters are anonymous, also this site would be pulled if that were true.

      If a BBC which one ? Kate Leung, Susan Ma or one of the others ?

      If the owners are really that worried then use on a Chinese / Russian host.

      My enemy's enemy is my friend.

      Well brothers (and sisters if any out there) this goes to show we are RIGHT as our enemies have acknowledged this by their vehement reactions. HAHAHAHA !

      Told you all that losing face is their biggest fear and that only happens if the facts are true ! This is our biggest weapon and they have signaled this to us.

      So... allied to this is the rising number of ugly Kunduts dating oriental women ( look like Singaporeans and BBCs) who hate their own men (iwo fathers). So I am willing to post if the owners will host.



    3. Doesn't matter where the host is, if the owner is British (traced through login IPs) they can be sued.

      There's irony in that this website was ultimately stopped by one such example it argued against. Goodbye British Born Chinese, you will die off soon whilst the British born black and asian communities will have generations to look back on.

    4. "Really ? On what grounds ? And the posters are anonymous, also this site would be pulled if that were true."

      I believe the threat caused the owner to just abandon it and deny all responsibility of it. "Forgot the password" would be a good excuse to not take it down himself, and because it never went to court, there is no order to Google to take it down.

  14. Really awesome post, but can you share some pics about leather skirt. I wanted to see how it looks like..

  15. Well my boyfriend is Chinese and I love him for who he is, but I am madly attracted to his asian looks as some people might be attracted to blondes or whatever. I am interested in asian culture, history and languages but also many other countries. The people who introduced me to Russell Peters were Asians (not american or british born and they found him to be hilarious. I am unashamedly proud to adore my asian man and I want everybody to know that he is by far the most beautiful, handsome,sexy, manly,intelligent and adorable guy I ever met. If some people can't hack that for whatever reason, too bad.

  16. Some of them maybe, but that's a bit of a generalization. My Chinese boyfriend and I have a wild and amazing sex life. I was experienced, he wasn't, but he's the hottest damn lover I ever had. So now you know a girl with a different story. :P

  17. wait a secod lol, I like some animes and some of asian artists but I don't see them as the 'god of everything' asian guy is just an normal guy like the any other out there ... I like Japan but I don't want to live there and learning asian languages is too hardcore for me ... not everyone who is dating an asian person as an 'white' is like that ....gosh

  18. hi join this forum

  19. Loving the blog. I come on every so often and can't help but laugh at how you guys write. satirical, observant and definitely tongue-in-cheek. keep it up!

  20. What happened? Do he move? Not sure on his racism but at least he hates black people.

    I've been reading through the entire blog, and one thing that struck me was how he seemed to dislike pro-white racism. I don't mind it per se as I have partaken in white fetish myself, but when it's apparent in day-to-day happenings I get annoyed - jobs and talent shouldn't be subject to sexual fetishes.

    I hope to visit Japan for the first time soon. Hopefully things will go good.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. oh oh I want to add to this though, also to agree that you are completely right. but there are Asian men who fetishize white women, I lived in Asia and a lot of guys think it's some sort of achievement, especially because they think they are all easy. so if you happen to be a generally open minded white women in Asia who isn't obsessed with some sub culture, you will ultimately atract the weird white fetishists.

    such is life, I swear. I got lucky, although I still feel one ex was more into the idea of just having a girlfriend, and then having a foreign girlfriend, then caring about me as a person. he always enjoyed locals trying to guess where I am from..... come on. (I am american but I do not have the western women typical appearance, or mannerisms. so it throws people off when they only know countries by stereotypes.)

  23. ^ scared bruh?

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

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