Friday, 11 May 2012

British Man In Beijing Beaten Up For Raping Chinese Girl

British Man In Beijing Beaten Up For Raping Chinese Girl

Where: Beijing, China. 100 meters south of the Xuanwumen subway entrance opposite the Sogo Department Store. 

When: 2012 May 8th around 23:20 [11:20pm]

Video shows a British man near Xuanwumen sexually assaulting a girl but was stopped and beaten up by Chinese locals passing by. From police investigations, on 2012 May 8th around 11pm, a foreign national male began molesting a woman in public after drinking.

When passersby saw, they stopped him and called the police. The police immediately rushed to the scene and arrested the man. Afterwards, the police put him in a detainment room for him to sober up and is currently being detained for investigation in accordance to law. This man is a British national and holds a tourist visa. At present, this case is currently in legal proceedings.

According to the 《Beijing Legal Evening News》 reported, the time of the incident, a British man with strong alcohol had sexually harassed several Chinese women on the metro and trailed one woman from Xuanwumen subway station and suddenly took her to the roadside flower bed, repeatedly stroked her breasts and lower body, she continued to cry for help, where passers-by intervened as she claimed she did not know the man.


  1. Is there a full version, this one has the actual fighting cut out... we don't actually see how the attempted rapist went down. Despite the edit, I didn't see any blood, they left him alone while he was down - if a group of white males saw a white woman being raped by a nonwhite, you can bet your life that they wouldn't stop at him until his body and face was a broken, bloody mess. All rather disappointing of Chinese men, considering the context..

    And look at how the Daily Mail spins it, truly amazing

    "The Chinese men are then seen jumping on him and calling him obscene names and derogatory racist terms for a foreigner."

    interesting how the DM attempts to shift the blame onto the Chinese for being racist, "obscene" and "derogatory" (much like white media did after the Chinese parents went to attack the white parents of the kid who just kicked in the Chinese's boy head in a football match, if you recall) - after a Chinese woman has just been raped... whenever there are incidents of minorities raping/murdering in white nations, whites always use racist, derorgatory and "obscene" language to refer to them... what would you expect, to refer to them in a civil manner, considering what has just happened?

    Also look at some of these pathetic comments

    I don't get it, how come we know what she was screaming/saying before the Chinese guys turned up and started recording? This a staged video to get the Chinese people hacked off at the Brits (i.e. the kind of propaganda they always accuse the west of engaging in?). If not and it's real...i hope he goes down for a loooong time.

    - Rv, London, UK, 10/5/2012 15:03

    Yep, all propoganda!!! Oh, unless it's real....

    If he is guilty then he deserves everything he gets. However I don't like mob justice. He was seen standing over the woman, not touching her. What if she collapsed on the floor, he saw her and went to check on her and frightened her unintentionally? What if she was mentally ill or high on drugs? It needs to be investigated and if he is guilty after a fair investigation then he deserves to rot, but we don't actually know he is guilty yet.

    - Anna, Wirral, 10/5/2012 15:26

    She was half naked and he had his cock inbetween her legs. Anna seems rather forgiving considering she's a woman...

    Having spent time in Beijing I was accosted every day by women pretending to want to practice English but were offering sex. It was non stop and very often I had to be rude to get rid of them then they got very nasty. First of all it is illegal there and that is why the use the practising English as an excuse. If this person did assault her then he deserves the punishment but lets see all the facts, this video starts off with her crying and a Chinese man talking to the Brit. Then there is a fight and then he is on the road with another person trying to kick him. This is staged and looks like a setup. Until all the facts are known we cannot judge and that is why we are democratic and the Chinese are communist !

    - Gordon McHarg, Basingstoke UK, 10/5/2012 16:30

    That's right, democratic rapists are GOOD rapists.

    1. Continued....

      I don't think we should lose sight of the fact that the Chinese govt has a long history of propaganda use, and given recent events concerning the alleged murder of a British businessman by a senior Chinese official's wife, this may very well be something along the lines of a face-saving exercise by the authorities.

      - Will, Gloucester, England, 10/5/2012 22:18

      Three million views? that's a lot of advertising revenue. The video is clearly fake, no one attacks a woman out in the open like that especially in a foreign country. Why is the guy not bleeding? Because he's not hurt. F.A.K.E. - Mark, Huddersfield, 10/5/2012 20:52 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Yes Mark im sure the tourist bourd of china are delighted with the results " come to china get beaten up, have a nice day"

      - Danny, Liverpool , 10/5/2012 22:17


      More "it's fake, China did this on purpose" shit... Danny has it right though.

      How about flat out denial?

      That does n't look like a British man, but it's typical of the skinny frame of a young Chinese male.

      - kp, Warrington,UK, 10/5/2012 22:45

      And this guy seems to be on the button:

      Why do I sense a hint of sympathy from DM for this animal...and personally I don't think the locals really went to town on him! Yeah they smacked him up 'abit' but they were restrained in how they dealt with him. Even the one lunging for him (90 secs into the video) gave him shots to the body and clearly not the head...something he could have easily done. And judging by his anger/emotion I'd guess he was friend/family of the girl. Typical double DM standards.. Us it because the perpetrator is white DM? Trying to capture a sense of victimisation of the whiteman are we DM? Set of jokers the lot of you

      - Ace, Leeds, 10/5/2012 21:54



      At the same time, bias or not there is an underlying issue with China regarding the whoring out of women - women who can be mothers, wives in families... to white men. That certainly needs to be stopped, and the women there (and I guess here) need to stop think they have to do "whatever it takes" to be rich, they need to be taught that having nice objects is not the be all and end all of life.... and they will soon realise that selling out their souls is never worth it.

    2. @ Anonymous May 2012 02:23

      Is your email blocked? It s doenot allow me to reply.

    3. haha... I can tell you for sure that, if it were Chinese, no matter they were minorities like Korean, Tibetan, Uyghurs, Chinese people would never never deny that they were Chinese. I am quite sure about that. No one in China thinks those minorities are not Chinese. You can do a survey, just ask any mainland Chinese, they will tell you that!

      It will be only those British, issuing passport to those minorities, (of course before forcing them swear in front of the Queen), deny their "actual" status as a British. If they are contributing to your country, earning money and reputation for you, you British will say, hey, look at them, they are our British. Look at how many "high skilled workers" are immigrating to Britain recent years. And when they did something wrong, you will say, no! they are only Paki holding a British passport, it's none of our business. What's the use of swear in front of your Queen? Nothing!

  2. Hey guys with a voice of questioning everything about China, you just want to defend yourself and the faut is all others'. You think you are a 6-year-old boy trying to hide your mistakes? Don't be so naive and shame on you!

  3. The Daily Mail will always spin stories like this in favour of whites (or whatever racial mix that Brit was). But so what? Let their white readers come to Beijing and attempt this themselves and we'll see our northern brothers give them their just deserts. When I lived in Beijing, there were many things that I didn't like about the place but I was impressed by the confidence of the local men when it came to dealing with misbehaving foreigners compared to other Chinese cities especially places like Shenzhen and Shanghai where whites are literally worshipped.

  4. There is too much discussion about "Brits" and "Chinese" and "communism vs democracy" in here. Non of these things are relevant. Britain has tons of rapists and so does China. Both countries have people who use derogatory terms all the time like all countries. Obviously this white guy was a scumbag but so are people of all nations.

    In my time in China though, the one thing that you will notice is that many white people go there to feel significant. They left worthless lives back home in order to go to a place where they think they will be treated well. In reality, when they arrive, they don't always have the best of luck.

    These people are often failures at a previous life who want to start a new. Working at an English school, many of the teachers had fake degrees, were high school drop outs posing as Uni grads. Many were drug dealers in the past or had issues they had to escape at home.

    China has become a hot bed for worthless foreigners who are insecure, poorly educated with ill-bred manners who has nothing going for them except their passports.

    I also don't understand all these foreigners complaining about women coming on to them. Where the hell do you hang out? Sleazy bars and clubs? Get a clue genius. Foreigners are also quite easy pray and is why women come on to them. The foreign demographic in China has extremely "different" taste in women compared to the Chinese and asking foreigners simply lands you a higher success rate because most foreigners in China are desperate to begin with. This is why trashy women gravitate towards foreigners.

    If you were one of the actual wealthy expats, you wouldn't have this problem, unless you hang out in sleazy bars and red light districts. In which case, what did you expect?

  5. Hey Gordon, next time go find a place like that in London and see if British prostitutes would pretend they never learn English to get your money, but I would bet even they wouldn’t use that as an excuse for a potential rapist. There is no chance a guy from UK is a rapist, even when he has been caught on camera. RIGHT?

  6. TBH the best rated comments actually support the actions of the Chinese giving him a kicking.

  7. You forget the background.

    This is crazy britain we live in. Where if a criminal breaks into your home and you beat him up. YOU are the one who goes to prison.

    Self defence is murder in the UK. If you remember this perspective, then a whole load of things make a lot more sense.

    If this happened in the UK. The woman would have been arrested and £3 million compo be given to the assailant.

    I wish I were kidding.

  8. Z?

    Are you trying to imply something without actually saying it? As taken in the context of reading older posts. I have mildly come to this conclusion.

    Being that this British guy acted in such a manner, because those China men back home never fight back.

    Therefore those China men in China won't fight back too!

    Sorry I'm not spamming I'm just having random thoughts.

    1. Its possible, which is why British Chinese Takeaways are constantly terrorised in the UK.

      If china is supposed to be a draconian state controlled totalitarian country that limits individual freedom, would they allow these arrogant British foreigners to act with 'White privilege' to freely roam around Beijing being drunk and raping local Chinese women?

      The westerner perceives Chinese people especially Chinese women as weak, passive, easy to prey on, they don't fight back against the non-Chinese and don't fight racism...

      Discussed here:

      ...therefore the link with China is also one which is too accommodating and kowtowing to the west, just look at Neil Heywood's privilege granted by Bo Xi Lai, allegedly even f**ed his wife. In some respects, the numbers of westerners piling into China to take advantage reminds me of China during the latter Qing period, its neither a sign of a strong nor healthy state.

      Indeed if Chinese women weren't so accommodating to westerners in the first place, they wouldn't constantly be preyed upon based on such preconceptions. Mainland Chinese women that seek, date or marry non-Chinese have to bear some responsibility - as do the Chinese women in the UK that seek date or marry non-Chinese.

      This video is a defining moment, any British Chinese person that watches the video and is NOT outraged by the violations by a foreigner on a fellow Chinese, then they will never have any pride in being Chinese because it shows their mindset is not that of a Chinese and therefore does not see a connection with other Chinese people as a race.

  9. Chinese authorities should execute him as a deterrent. I suspect a lot of this sexual criminal behaviour by foreigners goes on in China but doesn't get reported.

    1. Conviction for rape in China is the death penalty. However, he'll probably be charged with lesser offences.

  10. Well, he doesn't look typically white. Caucasian yes, but only slightly more white than the other British criminal Akmal Shaikh who was executed not so long ago.
    I'm eagerly waiting for a name and the family of the perpetraitor to show up.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Shocking new article re: China Chinese taking "British" lessons... no, not English language, but "being" English i.e. very definition of whitewashing. Read it all

    extremely disheartening... what the fuck is wrong with these rich Chinese? They are the ones with power to spread CHINESE culture to other parts of the world, certainly the ones to take pride in it (or invest in people who do)...instead they are PAYING WHITES to ACT WHITE. WHAT THE FUCK

    1. To add, this is further "normalisation" of white culture, at the expense of our own... look at other races, indeed whites in nonwhite countries. NONE of them abandon their culture, their roots and adopt the native one wholesale. Not even if they have married a local. And especially not if they are rich (remember the recent story of the dead businessman who had an affair with the wife of a Chinese MP - he drove an Aston Martin with the Union Jack emblazoned on it every day to work - IN CHINA).... yet our rich, few in numbers as they are, seem to be doing exactly the opposite of what they should be doing.

    2. Rich Chinese in our culture are nothing- YES YOU HEARD RIGHT.

      Kudos in Chinese culture has always rested with the working classes, ALWAYS.

      The rich have always been pariahs - just like their ancestors who were killed off in the Boxer rebellion.

      Yiwei wei ting, wei ting yi wei.

      jiayou, jiayou !


    3. Until Chinese wealth becomes associated with Chinese pride, you are both probably right.

      Funnily enough some rich Hong Konger celebs I could name I give kudos to. I dont think they sold out because in a way they retained their working class roots and never forgot who they are/were.

  13. How sad is this? Why can't people just accept where they come from and adopt that culture? Why all the snobbery around the English accent, manners etc? We're hardly a country that sets an example at the moment!

    - Miss UK, living in the wonderful Cotswolds....., 14/5/2012 17:32


    Just look at this. We need a white woman to tell us to be proud of our own race. When for every other race, that belief is inherent.

    In my opinion this is far worse than white media and comments talking shit about us... because regardless of what they say, THEY are saying it. As long as we, the Chinese people, believe in ourselves, are proud of ourselves, it matters not what others feel about us. But it is clear our people abroad and shockingly even in China, are breaking apart. We aren't just being assimilated, we are actively encouraging it and PAYING for the "privilege". Something that would be booted out in other, democratic and freer countries, is allowed to profit in China, where the Chinese government is meant to have an iron fist on everything. I despair about the people.

  14. And yet, and yet... A cursory glance around Youtube will reveal nuggets like this:

    Footage of a Chinese government official who attempted to rape an 1l year old. :\

    1. Your link only serves a deliberate attempt at anti-Chinese propaganda to negate or mitigate the barbarity of the westerner by diverting the issue of inter racial 'X race on Asian' rape to an irrelevant one concerning 'same race' domestic rape in China. In contrast, I could easily find tons and tons of cases of White men raping underaged Asian girls in places like Thailand, Vietnam etc to affirm the motives of White men who treat Asia as a sex playground.

      In my opinion, Chinese women have become the new Thai.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. You raised the issue of underage rape which has nothing to do with the article and merely used to diverting attention away from the barbarity of the westerner (incidently your comment should have been removed for a comment violation), nonetheless I still gave you examples of whites raping children in South Asia in answer to your irrelevant question to show you how irrelevant and trolling your question is, you then change the topic again to another irrelevant issue by diverting attention away from the westerner to one about the Chinese seeking prostitutes in Cambodia, which has nothing to do with rape. I did a search on google and there are no documented cases of Chinese raping Cambodians.

      Read the rules before posting. Incidently if you persist in posting anti-Chinese propaganda, your comments will be removed for violation.

    2. What does that have to do with an intoxicated white/whitesubcategory Brit getting his just dessert for raping a Chinese? Nil, oh irrelevant anonymous whitelicking troll.

    3. READ:

      No trolling + don't discuss moderation policy.

  16. Love how this article brings out all the hurt white/white males with Chinese girl fetish. Oh boo hoo our white male privilege is losing it's grip in China now what will we do?

    Start pillaging Ethiopia again?

    Haha let me pour a bucket of salt on your precious wound, scavengers!

    Hope it burns like crazy!

  17. He must be American. We British people are not fucked up.

    1. Oh yes they are Gary Glitter.

    2. 'We British are not fucked up.'

      'If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.'

      A white/white subcategory person coined that phrase by the way. haha.

  18. Wow, I didn't imagine it being that easy to get you irritated. That was even more easy than I ever could imagine. Did you look at some pictures of "stolen asian females", to get yourself in the right mood, before you responded?

    And I'm accused of "racial semantics" when a whole post tries to blame whites for the crimes of a crime of a south asian? On the other hand it's perhaps a good thing out of my perspective as the south asians outnumber the chinese and will overtake the chinese in world power just as the chinese can start celebrating (and they really like chinese women, as I've noticed during my years of travelling. So you will have to fight some more fronts when flattered and curious chinese girls start showing more and more interest in China's southwestern neighbours).
    As you don't clearly like Britain or whites I'd suggest you to move to the country of your heart and fight at your upcoming front.

  19. @Anonymous16 May 2012 21:47

    Maybe the biggest blow to white privilege the video made is towards the most reknowned fetishers of asian women

    Why not leave a comment there?

  20. this is a great blog - i came across it by accident - move to a more professional webpage so we BBCs have got somehwere to connect to - id be happy to help

    1. Thanks for stopping by, why not email the blog at with your suggestions

  21. @ BBC

    That's a well-known fact, it's however odd that that's the subject is white men when a non-white is clearly standing there in the video. It wouldn't have been more confusing if there would have been a black man, and the subject would still have been white men.
    But as you can see it's not only some white men who like your women. I can safely say that during my last years at the university there was a surge of interracial relationships between chinese girls and indian/pakistani men, and I've seen that combination quite a few times during my business trips around in Europe and the States, and as both are parts of smaller ethnic groups in the West, it's quite clear that there is attraction between them, wealth or not.

  22. @Anonymous17 May 2012 23:57

    You come on here, with your usual divide and conquer attempts insinuating he is this minority, or that minority, when at the end of the day to a Chinese, he is white male westerner.

    Yes, thats right, to a Chinese all you drunk eurocentric westerners look the f-cking same.

    This basically means as a Brit, he is abusing his white privilege status regardless of what shade of ethnicity he is. He could even be a mixed race.

    The point is he has been identified by a Chinese as a non-Chinese British nationalist who is abusing his supposed white privilege - what other kind of whitewashed /white Brit would do this kind of thing to a Chinese girl in public - drunk.

    That you have tried so hard to under different IDs on this article squealing in desperation to make out he is a pakistani or muslim is neither here nor there. He is behaving like a typical westerner lout. Thanks to the wonders of western multiculturalism this has trained any westerner to believe he can abuse his globalised white privilege for his own benefit.

    As already mentioned this video is a warning for any non Chinese British national or for that matter, any eurocentric male who thinks he can get it on with a Chinese girl so easily. Including pathetic joo trolls like yourself.

  23. I have emailed and am waiting for a reply. We need to definitely move this forward and take it beyond what it is. Its good at highlighting the problems and its clear we are fragmented, we need to unite.


      ^ take a look at that in meantime. also email any practical organising solutions to us if you are interested because in my opinion its what we need. big project.

  24. We dont know his ethnic origin and they're not going to reveal it either, so we'll never know.

    The point is that the UK is multi-cultural and he has a British passport, perhaps 'westerner' is a better term to define foreigners from western countries in China?

    I would assume, most commenters know nothing about male foreigners who are arab/south asian/north africa/turkish/Muslim in China, therefore they can't discuss it, rather they discuss what they know about, which is...if the discussion is about foreigners in China/Asia sexually harrassing Chinese/Asian women, the majority of foreigners are white, so they will be discussed.

    But I take your point, British South Asian/muslims targeting East Asian women etc maybe the start of a new trend, but I doubt it, i've not seen any couples of that variety in the UK, in South East Asia its more common.

    From a chinese perspective, the biggest fear is that some British muslims may start targeting chinese females in the UK, rather than the usual white girls. But then again, we don't know if hes actually a muslim.

  25. White privilege run rampant in Beijing these days. Heres another one - Russian Principle Cellist for Beijing Symphony Orchestra for putting his feet on the back of a Female Chinese passengers seat - when she told him he should be ashamed of himself, he started cursing her. A police officer turned up and told her to knock it off 'he's an artist'. haha.

    More about China's hi-culture obsession with classical music

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. More heating building against western pisstakers now from a local Chinese TV host haha GO BEIJING!

    interesting a weibo commentor says 'this is how the boxer rebellion started' heh

  28. @ HBC

    I find it hard to believe that he is in any way eurocentric, as immigrants of south asian or arab descent normally are the most anti-european.

    Regarding different IDs I suppose that you're just babbleing out of frustration. The only posts I've posted at this blog are the ones in this discussion of ours (this being the 5th).

    @ BBC

    "Westerner" is slightly closer, but as a nationalist and well aware of that "westerner" is normally used to describe someone of western european descent, I'd still prefer to see the true ethnicitites discussed.
    In that way can all immigrants who normally refuse to assimilate be happy with the fact that we're not asking you to assimilate, and we can be happy with keeping our identity for ourselves.

    Regarding the "targeting for rape" I don't see why you necessarily would expect increasing IR relationships to be a sign of a coming south asian rape wave against chinese girls. That will most likely take place in China and not in Europe as chinese girls certainly aren't known to be as careless as some white girls.
    That's a trend you will see in China, where practically 100% of the females are chinese and other potential victims are few.

  29. @Anonymous23 May 2012 17:14

    With all these anonymous IDs, its hard to tell who is posting here. You know we are ethnic Chinese and male. What is your race and gender? eg Jewish male or quarter Arab mixed race female?

  30. No you misunderstood, I'm saying if the video was viewed by 'certain types' of people, it may trigger thoughts of wanting to rape Chinese girls. I.e the muslims in the UK who have been targeting white girls thus far. But I agree, you wont find many young drunk Chinese girls wandering the streets in the UK at midnight. It would be difficult to prey on them.

    Incidently, I saw two South Asians with East girls today near Chinatown, difficult to say if they were a couple (didnt hold hands) and the girls didn't look British Born Chinese, but foreign FOB. The guys looked foreign too.

  31. Regardless, he's one that thinks and acts like a drunk white brit

  32. Vanguard's reply is typical of the many so-called "brits" that suddenly 'do' want to define ethnicity. Which brings this argument back to what "english" people think when it comes to the crunch. Reminds me a lot of commenators saying British Linford Christie when he wins his 100 meters. But, when the drug scandal starts to fill the headlines, the commentators discretely reminds us it's now "Jamaican born Linford Christie".

    Was there really acceptance? The racism is really about dividing and alienating when the uglier nature surfaces. In this case, the meatheads of Britain jejoice in making sure this criminal is not one of them. Which begs the question, when can a BBC really become one of 'them' as in accepted into "Britsh" life. Underneath the thin veneer, we see the true face (so to speak) of Britain. SF.

  33. look forward to reading your valuable opinions on here more often

  34. Unfortunately most BBCs want to become 'one of them' as they do not consider the importance of cultural cohesiveness that most ethnic communities inheritently have, and when you combine that with this

    our social identity, what little it was, becomes even more fragmented, nevermind racially, culturally diluted.

    In light of what you are saying re English taking the 'Englishness back' giving BBCs obvious cultural problems for us, as our FOB parents age, in an increasingly white-centric era, and giving the younger mandarin speaking BBCs no viable social direction to look towards.

    As it may have been said before, its too little too late for BBC social identity, as you can see many of them do not take the issues on this blog seriously enough to warrant serious intellectual discourse, because the height of Chinese culture is exclusively based on trivial materialism.

  35. Everybody in Beijing's foreign community knows this was a setup, how?

    1. He wasn't charged with rape
    2. He wasn't tried for rape
    3. He didn't ask the British embassy for assistance, they made that statement.
    4. He is unknown, has no name
    5. He wasn't deported to the UK
    6. He was tased (note fast breathing, incapacitated but no blood)
    7. The video was edited
    8. The hair dressing salon doesn't exist
    9. This setup was released at a time when China was desperately trying to shift the focus away from the Bo Xilai scandal, other unconfirmed videos also emerged including a "gasp horror" video of a Russian cellist calling a woman names.

  36. Geez two years on and people are still whinging about it, let it go. I still see a million Chinese buying/wearing "British" flagged clothing, phone covers, novelty items in Beijing. They've let it go, why can't you. This was always about toothpick armed chinese males wanting to score pussy points and trash the reputation of foreigners.

    I don't know the full story, if she was raped - lets assume she was. Could have as easily been a Chinese guy. This was just some nationalist propaganda crap, you don't see the rest of the world crack down on foreigners because one "Brit/American/Whatever" raped one of their citizens. Why not?! They are real multinational countries. You may not like what I'm saying but it's true, you are more likely to be harassed here as a young white male than the other way around. As women want to date you for your colour and men hate you for having an agenda to steal their women or some such nonsense.

    As for the aggressive Chinese twats who want to beat up everything white walking on two legs.

    1) That guy was obviously Arabic ethnic, his arms were like that of an average asian - minuscule. You're probably not taking a non ethnic mixed foreigner, we are bigger than you and know how to fight.

    2) I know a lot of cool Chinese guys, we get on pretty well. Why don't you actually try talking to a foreigner instead of condemning them all - you have a lot more in common than you think.

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