Saturday, 7 January 2012

Italian Shoots Chinese Baby in the Head

A Story from our Chinese neighbours in Italy.

 Zeng Zhou, 31, a Chinese immigrant, and his baby daughter, Joy, were killed by the same bullet when two thieves demanded the takings from the bar he ran in the capital's grimy Tor Pignattara district on Wednesday night.

The bullet passed through the baby's head and then struck her father in the heart, killing both of them instantly.
His 27-year-old wife, Zeng Lia, was stabbed in the attack and is being treated in hospital.

She told police that one of the gunmen had yelled "I'll kill you like a dog" at her husband when he refused to hand over thousands of Euros in cash.

The double murder was the 36th killing in the city in the past 12 months – up from 25 in 2010.

Full Article Here:


  1. This is terrible,no doubt he was scared what would happen from losing his job and tried to do the right thing.

    Re: killing and stabbing, this kind of insidiousness reminds me of the mainland murder where a chinese couple was killed in graphic detail by a mystery killer who was never found

    Call me paranoid, but im suspicious of covert governmnent funded co-op killers that do this kind of thing to bait relations between China and the west. I mean seriously, do people think CCP are unaware of this kind of baiting going on? Exactly what is the telegraph trying to achieve by sensationalising how a family is killed in such graphic detail. except some kind of perverted bloodlust.

    As Anglo/European/American imperialists construct the downfall to bring in a global police state, with all the unrest going on in Europe and rioting against corrupt banksters, this kind of happening stuff can only continue to happen.

    People need to wake up and realise that the same people making this news up for the western media are the same people committing the real atrocities.

  2. They would have done the same to anyone, Chinese or not. Besides, considering how racist you and your uhm, partner are, I wouldn't complain about that.

  3. Nah, just not treating every other culture/race/ethnicity/group than BBCs (since you're picking on FOBs and mixed raced Asians just as much) like they're inferior to you.

  4. ^ So what are you doing for BBC culture then? Or are you a mixed race Asian who doesnt care to read our articles uhm, properly.

  5. Certainly not giving us a bad name with this kind of blogs, that's what I'm doing. And no, I'm not a mixed race Asian 'who doesnt care to read your articles uhm, properly'. However, unlike most BBCs who post on here, I'm not a guy either - and now the sexism starts.

  6. The problem is that, along with most British Born Chinese (as well as a sizeable proportion of FOB Chinese and oriental women abroad) your "let's keep the status quo" stance is effectively leading to our racial identity being destroyed gradually. Things are not equal, as much as you want to see it that way - and that anything that even attempts to retain that identity is "giving us a bad name". But really, if you all you care about is "keeping the peace", making sure ethnic Chinese in Britain are ignored rather than respected as an outright community with a unique heritage, then why are you even posting here? Might as well hook up with a white guy, have those mixed race children and in the near future you won't have to worry about the issue of a Chinese identity. Because you won't be one. You'll just be looking at us, pitying how the Chinese cannot even retain their roots - as a white.

  7. I'm not saying everything is equal. I don't want us to be ignored, or have mixed raced kids, or to renegate my Chinese identity. I don't see why you think Chinese identity consists of whining about BBCs with good jobs, discriminating every other race and half of ours and the examples go on. That's what you're doing on this blog - being no better than the people you're complaining about. Is this how you see equality? Then you're very equal with the rotten apples of all races.

  8. ^

    Chinese put up with so much white racism, in the media, in our culture, and now Chinese culture is getting westernised and all you can do is call us 'racist'.

    Its just typical that when an outspoken and maybe passionate blog like this one about ethnic Chinese pride, a whitewashed BBC comes and slates it.

    If this blog doesnt appeal to your taste, go back to your cake recipes on the facebook page. Say what you want, unlike most online platforms for BBC's we are not here to win your approval.

    Appeasement has never defined an ethnic cultural identity that meant anything and never will do.

  9. Anonymous said...
    I don't see why you think Chinese identity consists of whining about BBCs with good jobs, discriminating every other race and half of ours and the examples go on. That's what you're doing on this blog
    January 2012 18:44

    it isn't, but our options are limited. The very fact that we are confined to a single online blog shows how desperate our race has become. As you have demonstrated, any mention of the disparity of Chinese women flocking to other race's men - the mindsets of said Chinese women's belief in "white superiority" - the passiveness of our people - the complete lack of representation in the media and politically etc. - is met with resistance and being swiftly ostracised from the mainstream Chinese community. Some of these things can't be dealt with simply with time or through tangible government policies - e.g. equal pay. It's in the mind, a behaviour that has been created and set over decades. How DID the "white is best" belief come about? And how can you discuss it, and resort to reverse the problem, without being deemed racist? Meanwhile, the demographic crisis is ticking, our identity (certainly the BBC identity) uncertain.

    What hope do we have of affecting change if the majority of our own community do not even recognise the scope of how wrong things are? Maybe bathing in ignorance is easier. Of course it is. I could stop giving a damn about the bigger picture and live a moderately happy life (inbetween all the casual and extreme racist events). It would be less hassle, definitely. But if things carried on as usual - well, there wouldn't just be any British Born Chinese community. You will have the kids of the recent Chinese immigrants, and that's it. Because after every generation they will just cease being Chinese. No continuation, no growth from one generation to the next. The BBC community will be a one generation thing.

    And since you're here, what ideas do you have of reinforcing (or should it be reinvigorating) a solid Chinese community, without scaring off the mainstream? How does one mention very real demographic crisis', complete lack of status/representation/fairness, without kicking up a fuss and thus "breaking the peace", which a lot of Chinese don't seem to want?

  10. Actually happybritishchinese, it's great that more Chinese people come on here who aren't just trolling, and putting up constructive questions that need to be clarified.

    As anon January 2012 18:44 has shown, she has no desire of destroying Chinese identity or weakening the British Born Chinese community, she - as I imagine loads of other BBCs - like us - have no practical solutions to improving and bettering things for ourselves. But getting more people on board (who aren't just trolls) is surely a good thing for the community in the long term.

  11. ^ At both of you above, thanks for comments of solidarity, there are 2 things you can do

    1. subscribe to the blog
    2. submit articles - things that concern YOU as a BBC.

    right now im just doing maintainance work on this blog while bbcz is taking a break. thanks.

  12. Also@ anonymous Jan 11, 2012 11:55 AM

    ...'But if things carried on as usual - well, there wouldn't just be any British Born Chinese community. You will have the kids of the recent Chinese immigrants, and that's it. Because after every generation they will just cease being Chinese. No continuation, no growth from one generation to the next. The BBC community will be a one generation thing.'

    THAT. Deserves another article.But yes... stunted generational growth. Regeneration without evolution. You summed up our BBC cultural predicament. And inadvertantly to larger extent, a Chinese one too. But ill try and write something when im less busy. Shame BBCronins not offering to contribute articles, I respect that guy's writing.
