Mixed Race Chinese Baby Fetish - Is It Real?
Mainland Chinese with 'white fever' cavort their desire for White men and Mixed Chinese White babies on many mixed blood baby networks (hunxuebaobao) e.g. http://www.douban.com/group/hunxuebaobao/ Mixed baby fetish is based on 2 hypotheses...
- Physical attributes of the mixed child (it is believed the mixed race child is more beautiful than any other race).
- Potential for intelligence - a mixed Chinese baby is believed to be a super intelligent successful specimen.
Here is a shortened transcript of a conversation with a 28 yr old mainland Chinese woman in her quest to reproduce a mixed race bi-racial baby, deliberately seeking White men in China as a result of her friends reproducing Chinese mixed race babies in the hope they will one day become the next super model or super child. It exposes the logic of Chinese 'hapaholics' and their love of mixed Chinese babies.
BBCZeitgeist: Ni hao, how old are you?
Guangzhou: 28
BBCZeitgeist: Why do you like white men?
Guangzhou: To have a mix baby with white man was my dream for a long time, you don't think the mix baby more beautiful and smart ?
BBCZeigeist: Sure. Did you meet a White man?
Guangzhou: Yes, he said he love me...but he also have other girls, he cheat me. Its his choice, he can tell me...dont need to cheat
BBCZeigeist: Did he cheat many times?
Guangzhou: Yes...he always say something different
Guangzhou: I ask .."who's that girl?"...he said "she's my girlfriend before (ex-gf),"
Guangzhou: After I ask .."I've seen your girlfriend before, she's different."
Guangzhou: He said ..."Mmmm..that girl was long time I know her..but didn't see her very long time"
Guangzhou: I think is not true
Guangzhou: He really make me sad now...I don't want to be with him any more. He already go to his country
BBCZeigeist: Why did you still date him if you knew he cheated? Did you want him to take you back to the USA?
Guangzhou: No, he's from France and he don't like France...he want to live in China...but he have nothing here...no money...no job; the first I just help him
BBCZeitgeist: Let me get this right, he has no job, and no money, but you love him just because he is White?
Guangzhou: Mmm...this is a complex story. First he have wife...his wife is rich...I know him that time we are just friends...normal friends, have many White man married Chinese girls just around me...also have baby now
Guangzhou: He told me he have problem with his wife... and always tell me the problem with his wife...I think for that time...I am a little pity him
BBCZeigeist: I see, so you love him out of pity.
Guangzhou: Ya...I still want my mixed baby...haha
BBCZeigeist: You want a mixed race baby with just any white man? You don't care if he is a cheating asshole and broke?
Guangzhou: That's past, I think still have good people la...
Guangzhou: I want love first...I mean two people love each other..and take care each other, after get marry...after have baby; the normal life
BBCZeigeist: They will return to Europe - with or without you, regardless if you're pregnant or not, they don't belong in China, they don't have citizenship.
Guangzhou: Hehe.. I don't like this, I will find that one really love me...and stay with me
BBCZeigeist: That is not the nature of the white man
Guangzhou: Trust me, I will find one.
Is this Chinese woman just broody, naive or desperate? Is it a racial fetish to want a mixed baby? Have your say, post your comments below.